Ottawa Police Department and Ottawa Township High School
Joint Press Release
Green Street Closure and High School Traffic
Green Street, on the east side of Ottawa, will be closed by the start of school August 8th and will remain closed until approximately December 1st, 2024. The closure limits access to the east side to Main Street traffic, including traffic to and from Ottawa Township High School.
The following steps will be implemented throughout the closure to limit congestion and maximize traffic flow on the east side during the closure.
Before School:
Students with a parking permit may park in the OTHS student parking lot, entering via the new entrance in the middle of the 400 block of east Main Street.
Students being dropped off at school will be dropped off in front of the building. After dropping off students, drivers should proceed east and turn left onto Division Street and around the block back to westbound Main Street. The OTHS north parking lot will be closed to traffic.
After School:
Students being picked up after school will be picked up at the lower lots of Veteran’s Memorial Bridge, near the old Central School grounds. Students should access the lower lots via the river walk at the west end of the Fox River bridge.
Students may not be picked up on Main Street (in front of school or on the Fox River bridge), or in OTHS parking lots, as these areas will be closed to traffic 1 hour before dismissal until 1 hour after dismissal. School dismisses at 2:05 August 8th- August 21st. School dismisses at 3:06 starting August 22nd. Early dismissals due to weather or other conditions will be announced as needed.
If you have any questions regarding this information, please call 815-433-1326.